Environmental Policy
A word from the administrator

“For several years now, we have been giving a central place to respect for the environment and social commitment.
The need to limit the impact of our activities on the planet is obvious to us.
Strengthened by our ethical, responsible and supportive values, we consider it essential today to participate and to involve our employees and customers in our efforts to respect and sustain the elements that surround us.
To this end, the 3A Hotels La Collection Nice establishments are committed to a “green” approach through different axes which are
– Water and energy consumption
– Waste management
– Choice of suppliers
– Biodiversity
– Involvement in social issues
– Customer awareness campaign
– Employee awareness campaign
In order to go even further in our desire to improve, our 4 establishments are involved in a certification process with Green Key Label.
After long months of restructuring and the implementation of a multitude of eco-responsible actions, the West End Hotel, the Aston La Scala Hotel, the Beau Rivage Hotel and the Beau Rivage Beach were simultaneously rewarded with the valuable sustainable tourism label in January 2023.
The Green Key label distinguishes tourist accommodation and restaurants committed to a voluntary, effective and dynamic environmental approach. The label is awarded annually by an independent jury made up of experts and professionals from the tourism and environmental sectors.
“Realistic commitments for a sustainable approach, adopt the Green Attitude with us!
Jean-François RICHOMME
Our actions to reduce water and energy consumption
– Installation of LED bulbs in all lighting areas
– Installation of water saving devices on all customer and employee taps and showers
– Installation of limited capacity toilet flushes
– Installation of showers instead of baths in renovation works
– Increased monitoring of water and energy consumption
– Increased optimisation of equipment
– In periods of low activity, rationalisation of living spaces
– Reduced frequency of cleaning of linen (sheets and towels) in agreement with the client
Our actions in waste management
– Implementation of selective sorting
– Baling press
– Elimination of single-dose reception products and introduction of ecofill with natural products in recycled and recyclable packaging
– Introduction of bulk products at the breakfast buffet
– Recovery of used oil
Our criteria for choosing our suppliers
In order to limit our impact on the environment and our waste, we give preference to the following in our choice of suppliers
– Those committed to the same sustainable development approach
– Those providing eco-labelled products
– Those offering low energy consumption equipment
– Those offering multifunctional, eco-designed and recyclable equipment
– Short circuits
– Sponsorship of beehives on the Valensole plateau (04)
– Preservation of bees in their natural habitat allowing their viability, favouring the reproduction and pollination of plants
involvement in the social field
– 2019, 202, 2021 : participation in the Pink October campaign with the Pink Ribbon Association (fight against breast cancer)
– Annual participation in the Secours Populaire’s Pères Noël Verts (Green Santas) campaign, which allows toys to be reused and gives disadvantaged children a real Christmas
– Involvement in the animal cause – action February 2022
– 2022 : participation in the Pink October campaign with the Sos Cancer du Sein Association (fight against breast cancer)
employee awareness campaign
– Eco attitude training
– Dematerialisation of documents and internal communications
– Setting up black & white and double-sided printing
– Raising awareness of selective sorting
– Raising awareness of waste
– Raising awareness of energy consumption
customer awareness campaign
– Reduction of laundry frequency by agreement
– Raising awareness on the use of lighting, heating/air conditioning
– Provision of information on ecotourism, responsible tourism, green tourism or slow tourism
– Provision of information on “green” travel: blue bikes, shuttles, public transport, etc.
– Raising awareness of waste and over-consumption
– Setting up occasional “DIY – Do It Yourself” workshops with zero waste creations
Hôtel West End****
- $You can also contact our team:
- +33 (0)4 97 20 25 27
- westend@3ahotels.com